Saturday, February 23, 2013

Today I'm wasting WAY too much time trying to figure out what the difference is between a personal Facebook page and a business page.  I had created an irresistible charms Facebook as a personal page, which I guess was in violation of their terms of use (oopse).  But I was reading about the business page and why it's important so I decided to transfer the personal page into a business page.  Unfortunately Facebook stopped referring to me as "irresistible" every time I posted, that was kinda fun.  At any rate, it's as if the personal page never existed.  It pulled any friends that I had and turned them into "fans" of the page, but I'm not seeing where I can see who my fans are, or how many I have.  Meanwhile I had a ton of friend requests for my personal page which, while accepting, seemed to just go nowhere. Hopefully it added them as fans... who knows.  So I went ahead and linked my REAL personal page to the new business page.  Which I really didn't want to do. I was trying to keep my business stuff and personal stuff separate.  I'm still trying to grasp the concept of how I communicate with my fans or encourage them to "like me" or become a fan.  It's all very confusing at the moment.  The good news is, I believe I found where I need to go to start an event, which is what I'm going to use for my online party.  I'm about to go research online parties, and then get in touch with my mentor because I do believe in the process of transferring my page I lost access to my upline facebook group. Ooopse... Gotta do something about that.

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